For The Catechumen You Don't Yet Know
- from the Inquisitor
"God is light" 1 John 1:5
posted by Constantine at 12:01:00 am
I've over-educated myself in all the things I shouldn't have known.
To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous.
When I became Christian I voluntarily crucified my mind, and all the crosses that I bear have only been a source of joy for me. I have lost nothing, and gained everything.
The knowledge of the Cross is concealed in the sufferings of the Cross.
Whatever you may be seeking, seek it with all your strength, but do not expect your own search and efforts to bear fruit of themselves. Put your trust in the Lord, ascribing nothing to yourself, and He will give you your heart's desire.
A silent man is a son of wisdom and is always gaining great knowledge.
We have heard enough of liberty and the rights of man; it is high time to hear something of the duties of men and the rights of authority.
Blessed Martyr Constantine XI, ευχων υπερ ημων!
Royal Passion-Bearer Anastasia, моли Бога о нас�!
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