Thursday, February 23, 2006

About Me
- Name: Constantine
- Location: Singapore
I've over-educated myself in all the things I shouldn't have known.
To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous.
When I became Christian I voluntarily crucified my mind, and all the crosses that I bear have only been a source of joy for me. I have lost nothing, and gained everything.
Father Seraphim Rose
The knowledge of the Cross is concealed in the sufferings of the Cross.
St Issac the Syrian
Whatever you may be seeking, seek it with all your strength, but do not expect your own search and efforts to bear fruit of themselves. Put your trust in the Lord, ascribing nothing to yourself, and He will give you your heart's desire.
St Theophan the Recluse
A silent man is a son of wisdom and is always gaining great knowledge.
St John Climacus
We have heard enough of liberty and the rights of man; it is high time to hear something of the duties of men and the rights of authority.
Orestes Augustus Brownson
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Patrons of Constantine

Blessed Martyr Constantine XI, ευχων υπερ ημων!

Royal Passion-Bearer Anastasia, моли Бога о нас�!
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Constantine, MMVI
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Hi there. I'm from St. Joseph's Parish (Bukit Timan). I hope that you have read Dan Brown's book, The Da Vinci Code. If you have, you should have had noticed how offensive, sacrilegious, blasphemous and historically inaccurate, as well as incredulous it is. With the movie coming to Singapore later this year, I am hoping to get as many Catholics as possible to boycott this film; to stand up and defend our Religion and Church. Catholics should stop allowing others to kick them around, and start doing something to express our love for Christ as well as to show the world that we are truely One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
I am not alone in this plan to boycott the movie, thousands of Catholics in the USA are already planning to boycott the film on the call by a very prominent USA Priest- Fr. John Trigilio, President of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy. His statement can be found on my blog, dated: Wednesday, February 22 2006
I hope that after reading the statement as well as this proposal, we, together with other Catholics in Singapore can work together to boycott this movie when it arrives. Do read Fr. John's statement first.
Help to spread the word.
God Bless You.
What beautiful eyes! It was also lovely to see your church.
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