Voting For Your Favourite Mother - Results
Approximately two weeks ago, Memoirs held our first ever poll, allowing readers of this blog to vote for their favourite mother (out of 10 featured). The votes have been counted and the results tallied. Unsurprisingly, the All Holy Virgin Mother of God stands at first place, garnering a whopping 12 votes.

As many have commented, however, the Most Honoured of Virgins is beyond comparison (really, nothing comes close to bringing salvation to this world). In this case, the three saints who have won the most number of votes are, in order:
1. St Monica (9 votes)
2. St Gianna Beretta Molla (8 votes)
3. St Emily (7 votes)
We at Memoirs would like to make it clear that this competition (of sorts) does not show anything, save for popularity among laity. None are "better" than the rest. These incredible women are all equally deserving of our admiration and respect.
On a side note, this blogger notices a blatant Latin bias in the casting of votes.
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