Panagia Ierosolimitissa

This is Gethsemane's Panagia, overlooking the empty tomb of the Most Holy Theotokos, blessing the numerous pilgrims to the Holy Land of Jerusalem. Today's small underground tomb is situated at Gethsemane, next to the Mount of Olives where the Saviour often prayed with His disciples. It was there that the Apostles gathered and buried the most-pure body of the Mother of God. Her icon remains there as an endless spring of blessings for all the Christians, celebrated (or venerated) by the name 'Panagia Ierosolimitissa'.
I hope this helps.
Can I get one too? =P
That's one of my favorite icons. The Church of the Dormition is a really interesting and beautiful church. There are what seem like hundreds of oil lamps hanging from the ceiling. I only got to spend a couple minutes inside, but it made an impression and I want to go back.
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