Simply... Bizarre
From the dreadful Panteleimonites...
...the outrageous true Catholic Church...
...the absurd Charismatic Orthodox Church...
...the insipid Palmarian Catholic Church...
...the ludicrous Russian Orthodox Church in Exile...
...and the strange Neocatechumenal Way.
Then these guys come along...

...and you don't know whether to laugh or to cry.
They have a "patriarch of honor", a metropolitan archbishop, 7 bishops, an abbot and several priestesses.
For starters, they hold Marriage and Holy Union are in equal esteem and respect in this jurisdiction. If you didn't quite understand that, read it again, using your imagination.
Rather unsurprisingly, all clergy "must live in the Tentmaker Paul tradition, drawing their living income from secular or not compensated for by this jurisdiction nor by any congregation thereof", given that this "Church" seems to be in desperate want of a laity.
Ernest says these guys utilise the shock and awe tactic very well. They are positively shocking... and tremendously awful.
Someone please tell me this is a joke. These silly, outlandish people look like the Episcopalians with Orthodox/Catholic trappings. Nothing can be more nonsensical or pointless.
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