Полюшко-поле, полюшко, широко поле,
Eдут по полю герои,
Эх, да красной армии герои.
Field, field, my wide field,
The heroes ride over the field,
Hey, the heroes of the Red Army.
Today is Victory Day, marking the end of the Second World War in Europe with the surrender of Nazi Germany. Here are some memorable photographs from the deadliest conflict the world has ever seen, costing the lives of some 60 million people.

Soviet soldiers charge across Ukrainian soil.

Destruction wrought by Nazi troops in Krasnograd, Ukraine.

One of 2000 female snipers, Major Lyudmila Pavlichenko was credited with over 309 kills.

The Soviet flag is raised over the Reichstag.

The first Victory Day parade in Moscow, June 24, 1945.
Labels: Europe, Russia
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