Transcending Secularism
But with a little work to understand God's revealed truth, we can transcend and baptise the now secular images to bring us deeper meaning. I offer the following examples of what I mean:

Let every sale in every department store remind us of how God loves us more than the world can understand. The retailers draw us in with sales so that we will come and shop with them. How much more does Christ draw us close? Christ took on flesh to call us home to Him. He suffered at the hands of his own creation, humiliated and murdered. This is the epitome of love. Every retailer, every jingle, every commercial can remind us of God's own love for us.
Let every seasonal party remind us of the Joy of Salvation. To save us Jesus voluntarily came to take on flesh and suffer in his body. His sacrifice and his gift are reasons to celebrate. When we celebrate, we can remember all that God accomplished for us. We can remember His nature of love and mercy.
Let every gift we present to one another remind us of the gift of life that Christ is for us. Christ gives us life as we are born anew into Him. Remember also that the Eucharist is life-giving and is given in his name.
Let every snowman, made of ice or styrofoam, remind us of how cold the world can be and how we need the warmth of our Saviour. The world needs your example, your love and your witness in order for it to be warmed by God's love.

Let every Christmas carol and seasonal song, remind us that we are called to praise God from the depths of our beings. Our soul wants to call out to Him who created us and who comes to us in this feast as a baby. Sing out, and let God hear your voice. Sing out and let others hear your testimony God has taken on flesh and dwelt with us as the prophets foretold. This is a time to sing out!
Find practical ways to use secular images to be less distracted, and to focus more on the real meaning of this Holy Season.
Excerpt from Christ is Born! Glorify Him! by Fr. John Abdalah, Word Magazine
Publication of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, December 1998
I love this, thank you!
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